Airlines Web Check-in

Web Check-In

Check in online to receive your boarding card right now!

Clicking Proceed will take you to the Web Check-in page for your airline. 

How to complete the check-in procedure ?

  1. Enter the last name, PNR, and departure city as specified in the reservation.
  2. Select the person who is traveling and add their nationality.
  3. Complete the Covid-19 and other self-declarations by checking the box.
  4. Select the add-ons (baggage, seats, etc.) and proceed.

The airline boarding pass, which is necessary to enter the terminal building, will be generated.

Please note:  In order to have enough time to do all the requirements, guests must report three hours before departure. In order to reprint the boarding pass, passengers must go to the airline’s official website and enter their already checked-in PNR information.

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